Contents Litaniae ad Christum ex Scriptura Sacra in Adventu
Litany to Christ from Sacred Scripture for Advent

This litany was designed as a meditation for the Advent season. It is composed of phrases taken from Scripture relating to Christ, especially to His incarnation and birth thus making it especially fitting for the Advent season. The Christological nature of some of these phrases are obvious to us today, such as 'Word made flesh', but there are also many phrases which are much less obvious. These phrases were drawn from events that were seen by the Patristic writers of the first several centuries as allegorical allusions to the Messiah and His coming. The concluding prayers are taken from the Roman Missal.

For private use only.

Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
R. audi nos.
R. hear us.
R. exaudi nos.
R. graciously hear us.
Pater de caelis Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
God, the Father of Heaven,
R. have mercy on us.
Fili redemptor mundi Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
God, the Son, the Redeemer of the world,
R. have mercy on us.
Spiritus Sancte Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
God, the Holy Spirit,
R. have mercy on us.
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
Holy Trinity, one God,
R. have mercy on us.
Verbum Patris, per quod facta sunt omnia,
R. miserere nobis.
Word of the Father, through whom all things were made,
R. have mercy on us.
Verbum caro factum,
R. miserere nobis.
Word made flesh,
R. have mercy on us. (John 1:14)
Messia in lege promisse,
R. miserere nobis.
Promised Messiah,
R. have mercy on us.
Mysticis praefigurate miraculis,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou, prefigured by sacred miracles,
R. have mercy on us.
Oraculis praenuntiate Propheticis,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou, predicted by the prophets,
R. have mercy on us.
Ab Angelis annuntiate,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou, announced by angels,
R. have mercy on us.
A Regibus concupite,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou sought after by Kings,
R. have mercy on us.
Cunctis gentibus desiderate,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou, desired by all the gentiles,
R. have mercy on us.
A Patre in mundum misse,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou, sent to the world by the Father,
R. have mercy on us.
De Spiritu Sancto concepte,
R. miserere nobis.
Thou, conceived by the Holy Spirit,
R. have mercy on us.
Sapientia de sede magnitudinis Dei emissa,
R. miserere nobis.
Wisdom sent forth from the throne of God's majesty,
R. have mercy on us. (Wis 9:10)
Desiderium collium aeternorum,
R. miserere nobis.
Desire of the everlasting hills,
R. have mercy on us. (Gen 49:26)
Ros in vellere Gedeonis,
R. miserere nobis.
Dew on Gidion's fleece,
R. have mercy on us. (Judg 6:37)
Ignis Rubum inflammans, sed non comburens,
R. miserere nobis.
Burning bush not consumed by fire,
R. have mercy on us. (Exod 3:2)
Scala Iacob,
R. miserere nobis.
Jacob's ladder,
R. have mercy on us. (Gen 28:12)
Flos de radice Iesse,
R. miserere nobis.
Flower from the root of Jesse,
R. have mercy on us. (Isa 11:1)
Flos virgae Aaronis,
R. miserere nobis.
Flower of the rod of Aaron,
R. have mercy on us. (Ex 7:12. Heb 9:4)
Flos apparens in terra nostra,
R. miserere nobis.
Flowering appearing in our land,
R. have mercy on us. (Cant 2:12)
Odor agri cui benedixit Dominus,
R. miserere nobis.
Odor of the field which the Lord hath blessed,
R. have mercy on us. (Gen 27:28)
Thymiama odoris suavissimi super altare aureum,
R. miserere nobis.
Sweet smelling incense upon the golden altar,
R. have mercy on us. (Exod 25:6, 39:37)
Nardus et Cinnamomum in horto concluso,
R. miserere nobis.
Sweet nard and cinnamon in an enclosed garden,
R. have mercy on us. (Cant 4:12-14)
Signaculum super cor positum,
R. miserere nobis.
Seal placed upon the heart,
R. have mercy on us. (Cant 8:6)
Lapis de monte sine manibus abscisse,
R. miserere nobis.
Stone cut from a mountain without hands,
R. have mercy on us. (Dan 2:34)
Aqua salutaris de cisterna Bethlehemitica,
R. miserere nobis.
Saving water from the cistern of Bethlehem,
R. have mercy on us. (2Sam 23:15, 1Chr 11:17)
Vinum novum in utre novo,
R. miserere nobis.
New wine in a new skin,
R. have mercy on us. (Matt 9:17, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37)
Aqua viva fluens cum impetu de Libano,
R. miserere nobis.
Well of living water flowing fresh from Lebanon,
R. have mercy on us. (Cant 4:15)
Lignum vitae in medio paradisi plantatum,
R. miserere nobis.
Tree of life planted in the middle of Paradise,
R. have mercy on us. (Gen 3:3)
Fons in Paradiso scaturiens,
R. miserere nobis.
Spring bubbling forth in Paradise,
R. have mercy on us. (Gen 2:6)
Aqua vitae in fonte signato,
R. miserere nobis.
Water of life in the sealed fountain,
R. have mercy on us. (Cant 4:12, Rev 7:17)
Lucerna supra candelabrum mundissimum,
R. miserere nobis.
Light above the candlestick most pure,
R. have mercy on us. (Luke 11:33)
Stella Iacob,
R. miserere nobis.
Star of Jacob,
R. have mercy on us. (Num 24:17)
Virga de Israel,
R. miserere nobis.
Scepter of Israel,
R. have mercy on us. (Num 24:17)
Sol amiciens mulierem,
R. miserere nobis.
Sun clothing the woman,
R. have mercy on us. (Rev 12:1)
Vir a muliere circumdate,
R. miserere nobis.
Man encompassed by the woman,
R. have mercy on us. (Jer 31:22)
Veritas de terra orta,
R. miserere nobis.
Truth has sprung from the earth,
R. have mercy on us. (Ps 84:12)
Iustitia de caelo prospiciens,
R. miserere nobis.
Justice looking down from heaven,
R. have mercy on us. (Ps 84:12)
Salvator per portam clausam ingresse,
R. miserere nobis.
Saviour entering through the closed gate,
R. have mercy on us. (Ezk 44:1-2)
Princeps in porta orientali sedens,
R. miserere nobis.
Prince sitting at the eastern gate,
R. have mercy on us. (Ezk 44:2-3)
Semen mulieris caput serpentis conterens,
R. miserere nobis.
Seed of the woman crushing the head of the serpent,
R. have mercy on us. (Gen 3:15)
Semen Abrahae; in quo omnes Gentes benedicentur,
R. miserere nobis.
Seed of Abraham, by which the nations are blessed,
R. have mercy on us. (Gal 3:29)
Salus et expectatio nostra,
R. miserere nobis.
Our health and expectation,
R. have mercy on us.
Emmanuel noster,
R. miserere nobis.
Our Emmanuel,
R. have mercy on us. (Is 7:14, Mt 1:23)
Propitius esto,
R. parce nobis, Domine.
Be merciful,
R. spare us, O Lord.
Propitius esto,
R. exaudi nos, Domine.
Be merciful.
R. graciously hear us, O Lord.
Propitius esto,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Be merciful,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Ab omni malo,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From all evil,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Ab omni peccato,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From all sin,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
A corde duro et perverso,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From a hard and perverse heart,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Ab omni mala consuetudine,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From every fornication,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Ab omni inordinata passione,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From all inordinate passions,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Ab omni asperitate morum,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From all crudeness,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Ab omni malitia et nequitia,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From all malice and wickedness,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
A mala et aeterna morte,
R. libera nos, Domine.
From evil and eternal death,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per aeternam praedestinationem tuam,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through Thy eternal predestination,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per adventum tuum,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through Thy first Coming,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per mysterium sanctae incarnationis tuae,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through the mystery of Thy holy incarnation,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per immaculatam conceptionem tuam,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through Thy immaculate conception,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per fidem et obedientiam gloriosae Virginis,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through the faith and obedience of the glorious Virgin,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per virginalem fecunditatem matris tuae,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through the fruitful virginity of Thy mother,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
Per gratiae plenitudinem matri tuae communicatam,
R. libera nos, Domine.
Through the fullness of grace shared with Thy mother,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
In die Iudicii,
R. libera nos, Domine.
On Judgment Day,
R. deliver us, O Lord.
R. te rogamus audi nos.
We sinners,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut a peccatis nostris salvos nos facere digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to save us from our sins,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut omnes actiones nostras ad te dirigere digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to direct all our actions towards Thee,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut paratam tibi in nobis mansionem facere digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to make in us a place prepared for Thee,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut omnem superbiae montem in nobis humiliare digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to humble every mountain of pride in us,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut omnem pusillanimitatis vallem tua gratia in nobis implere digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to fill in us every valley of faint-heartedness with Thy grace,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut nos in te semper exultare et glorificare concedas,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Grant that we may always exult in Thee and glorify Thee,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut humilitatem nostram aspicere, et brachium tuae potentiae super nos extendere digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Look upon our lowliness, and deign to extend the arm of Thy power over us,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut nos egenos tuis bonis implere digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to fill us with Thy goodness,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut nos regni tui cohaeredes efficias,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Make us coheirs with Thee in Thy kingdom,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Ut nos exaudire digneris,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Deign to hear us,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Fili Dei,
R. te rogamus audi nos.
Son of God,
R. we ask Thee, hear us.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. parce nobis, Domine.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
R. spare us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. exaudi nos, Domine.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
R. graciously hear us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. miserere nobis.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
R. have mercy on us.
R. audi nos.
R. hear us.
R. exaudi nos.
R. graciously hear us.
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Pater noster... Our Father...
Veni ad liberandum nos, Domine Deus virtutum,
R. Ostende faciem tuam et salvi erimus.
Come and free us, Lord God of might.
R. Show Thy face and we shall be saved.
Memento nostri Domine in beneplacito populi tui,
R. Visita nos in salutari tuo.
Remember us, O Lord, as you favor Thy people,
R. Visit us with Thy salvation.
Ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam,
R. Et salutare tuum da nobis.
Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy,
R. And grant us Thy salvation.
Domine, exaudi orationem meam,
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
Lord, hear my prayer,
R. And let my cry come before Thee.
Oremus: Let us pray:
EXCITA quaesumus, Domine, potentiam tuam, et veni, ut ab imminentibus peccatorum nostrorum periculis te mereamur protegente eripi, te liberante salvari. STIR up Thy might, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and come so that we may be rescued by Thy protection from the danger of our sins and saved by Thy deliverance.
CONSCIENTIAS nostras quaesumus, Domine, visitando purifica, ut veniens Dominus noster Iesus Christus Filius tuus, paratam sibi in nobis inveniat mansionem. O LORD, we beseech Thee, visit our minds and cleanse our thoughts; that at the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, He may find in us a place prepared for Him.
DEUS, qui nos in tantis periculis constitutos, pro humana scis fragilitate non posse subsistere, da nobis salutem mentis et corporis, ut ea, quae pro peccatis nostris patimur, te adiuvante, vincamus1. O GOD, who knows that we are beset by perils such as our human frailty cannot withstand, grant us health of mind and body so that what we suffer due to our sins, we may overcome by Thy assistance.
OMNIPOTENS et mitissime Deus, respice propitius preces nostras, et libera corda nostra de malarum tentationibus cogitationum, ut Sancti Spiritus dignum fieri habitaculum mereamur. ALMIGHTY and all merciful God, look favorably upon our prayers, and free our hearts from temptation to evil thoughts, so that we may be accounted a worthy dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.
PRAESTA, quaesumus omnipotens Deus, ut redemptionis nostrae sacra mysteria, et praesentis nobis vitae subsidia conferant, et aeternae beatitudinis praemia largiantur. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regant in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. GRANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that these sacred mysteries may bestow upon us help in this present life and grant to us the reward of eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.
V. Domine exaudi orationem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
V. Lord, hear my prayer,
R. And let my cry come before Thee.
V. Benedicamus Domino.
R. Deo gratias.
V. Bless the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace.
R. Amen.
V. And may the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace through the mercy of God.
R. Amen.

Latin from "Fasciculus Sacrarum Orationum et Litaniarum ad usum quotidianum Christiani hominis, ex sanctis Scripturis et Patribus collectus", pp 391-401, 1618. Tr MWM
1 The original text shows "vincamur" instead of "vincamus". This changes the meaning from "may we overcome" to "may we be overcome"!

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