Contents Orbis patrator optime
Creator of the Circling Sky

This hymn was written by St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) and is the hymn for Lauds for the feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2.

ORBIS patrator optime
qui, quidquid est, potentia
magna creasti, nec regis
minore providentia.
CREATOR of the circling sky,
Who madest all by power most high,
Thy Providence will never cease
to rule Thy works in might and peace.
ADESTO supplicantium
tibi reorum coetui,
lucisque sub crepusculum
lucem novam da mentibus.
BE present when we cry to Thee,
a sinful people though we be;
and as the day-dawn grows apace,
illume our minds with light of grace.
TUUSQUE nobis Angelus,
signatus ad custodiam,
hic adsit, a contagio
qui criminum nos protegat.
O SEND Thine Angel thitherward
assigned by Thee to be our guard,
that now his presence may begin
to keep us from all stain of sin.
SERPENTIS nobis aemuli
calumnias exterminet,
ne rete fraudulentiae
incauta nectat pectora.
LET him destroy that hidden snare
the eager serpent doth prepare,
lest we be taken in the net
before our heedless bosoms set.
METUM repellat hostium
nostris procul de finibus:
pacem procuret civium,
fugetque pestilentiam.
AT his command let every fear
of hostile foemen disappear;
let civil strife give way to peace,
and pestilence and famine cease.
DEO Patri sit gloria,
qui, quos redemit Filius,
et Sanctus unxit Spiritus,
per Angelos custodiat. Amen.
TO God the Father glory be;
for those the Savior setteth free,
anointed by the Holy Ghost,
are guarded by the Angel host. Amen.

From the Liturgy of the Hours. Translation by Neale?

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