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Ad Sanctitatis Tuae Pedes Ad Sanctitatis Tuae Pedes |
The following prayer is from a 1572 edition of the ''Precationum Piarum Enchridion'' by Simon Verepaeus (Verrept), a well known 16th century Dutch priest and educator. His works covered prayer, Latin grammar and compostion. They were very popular and reprinted as late as the early 19th century. The ''Precationum Piarum Enchridion'' was first printed in about 1565.
This prayer is the forerunner of the well-known ''Memorare'', which is often erroneously attibuted to St. Bernard of Clairvaux. (See Memorare) ''Ad sanctitatis tuae pedes'' appears in a number of printed books and manuscripts from the last quarter of the 15th century and onwards. It appears in such works as the ''Hortulus Animae'' (15th cent.), the ''Antidotarius Animae'' (15th cent.) of Nicholas de Saliceto (Cistercian abbot of Bomgart, near Strasbourg), and, as noted earlier, the ''Precationum piarum Enchiridion'' (sometimes seen as the ''Enchridion Precationum Piarum''). The Memorare is an integral part of the text in each case. Exactly when the Memorare was extracted from this longer prayer has not yet been determined, but it likely occurred in the later part of the 16th century, around the time of Fr. Bernard and his father.
AD SANCTITATIS TUAE PEDES, dulcissima Virgo Maria, corpore prostratus et corde, supplex oro ut a te aliquid postulare me doceas, quod te audire, et Filium exaudire delectet. Indignus sum gratia, et omnibus miserationibus minor. |
AT THE FEET OF THY SANCTITY, most sweet Virgin Mary, prostrating myself in body and heart, I beseech thee to teach me to make proper requests of thee, so that it will please thee to hear and the Son will be pleased to hear. I am unworthy of grace, and beneath all mercy. |
Peccatis obstantibus meis, a te sanctissima, audiri et a Filio tuo usque benedicto exaudiri non mereor. Noli tamen ad clamantem et vitam emendare cupientem pia repellere, quae gratiae tuae manum porrigere soles ad te suspiranti. |
Because of my sins, O most holy one, I am unworthy to be heard by thee nor by thy blessed Son. Yet do not reject the devoted ones who cry out to thee and desire to amend their lives, thou who art accustomed to extend thy hand of grace to those who long for thee. |
Memorare piissima non esse auditum a saeculo, quemquam ad tua currentem praesidia, aut tua petentem suffragia, a te derelictum. Tali animatus confidentia ad te Virgo Virginum confugio, ad te curro ad te venio, coram te gaudens ac tremens assisto. Noli ergo immaculata, a me tam misero peccatore faciam tuam abscondere, sed ad me clementer respice. |
Remember, O most gracious one, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, or sought thy intercession was left abandoned by thee. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, to thee do I run, to thee I come. Before thee I stand rejoicing and trembling. Therefore, O immaculate one, do not hide thy face from me, so wretched a sinner, but look gently upon me. |
Noli Mater verbi, mea despicere verba sed audi propitia, et exaudi oris mei verba. Noli mater omnium, ab omni benignitate me tua excludere, sed benigne fac mecum propter nomen tuum. Noli mater gratiae, Filii tui mihi gratiam denegare, sed gratifica me gratiae, quem tu gratia plena peperisti. Noli Stella maris, aberrare me a via veritatis diu permittere, sed splendoris tui directione a erue me a peccatorum caligine. Noli porta caeli scelera mea iugiter obserari, sed reporta me ad portam gratiae, a qua ingratus exivi, per quam tu mundo Vitam et Salutem reportasti. |
Mother of the Word, despise not my words, but hear them graciously and give heed to the words of my mouth. Mother of all, exclude me not from all thy kindness, but deal kindly with me for the sake of thy name. Mother of grace, deny me not the grace of thy Son, but fill me with grace, thou who didst bore the One full of grace. Star of the sea, permit me not to wander long from the path of truth, but by the guidance of thy brightness rescue me from the darkness of sin. Gate of Heaven, let not my sins forever shut me out, but lead me back to the gate of grace, from which I ungratefully departed, through which thou didst bring Life and Salvation to the world. |
Noli Regina Gloriae, ob tuae celsitudinis gloriam mei oblivisci, sed memor meae esto fragilitatis et adiuva me propter gloriae tuae magnitudinem. Immo noli Regina Misericordiae in me misero peccatore, antiquae tuae misericordiae nomen amittere, sed secundum miserationum tuarum multitudine miserere mei. Noli quaeso clementissima tuae pietatis aures, ob meam ingratitudinem claudere. Noli misericordes oculos tuos a me, spes miserorum avertere. Noli solitam pietatis mansuetudinem et adiutricem manum retrahere. Sed tolle quod metuo, largire quo careo, ignosce quo offendo. |
Queen of Glory, forget me not on account of thy heavenly glory, but be mindful of my frailty and help me for the greatness of thy glory. Indeed, Queen of Mercy, do not dismiss the name of thy ancient mercy for me, a wretched sinner, but, according to the abundance of thy compassion, have mercy on me. I beg thee, most merciful one, do not close the ears of thy kindness because of my ingratitude. Do not turn thine merciful eyes away from me, the hope of the miserable. Do not withdraw thine accustomed gentleness and helping hand, but take away what I fear, grant what I lack, and forgive where I offend. |
Salva me Salvatrix, redime me Redemptrix, peccata mea gravant. Mundus involuit, caro me premit et inquietat, hostis insidiatur ut rapiat, mortis hora et Iusti iudicis sententia me terrent. Peccata habeo merita nescio. Sed tu adiutrix fortis in tribulationibus adesto doloribus meis, tantis consule doloribus atque vitae periculis. Aliud quandoquidem refugium nescio praeter Filium tuum. |
Save me, O Salvatrix, redeem me, O Redemtorix, for my sins weigh heavily upon me. The world entangles me, my flesh oppresses and troubles me, and the enemy lies in wait to seize me. The hour of death and the judgment of the Just Judge fill me with fear. I have sins, but no merits. Yet thee, strong helper in tribulations, be present in my sorrows, assist in such great sufferings and dangers of life. For I know no other refuge than thy Son. |
O benignissima, peccata mea dele, a mundo me abstrahe. Cor meum liquefacito, spiritum humilia, carnem castiga. In bono propositum meum firma hostem remove, redde mihi innocentiam vitae. Reduc me in sinum gratiae. Rege me, ne ruam in mortem animae, vel opprobrium famae: et si recidero, me erige. Mores, actus et vitam meam corrige. In omni adversitate adiuva me. In cunctis agendis dirige me, Deo placita doce me. Obtine mihi spatium vitae et locum paenitentiae. |
O most kind one, blot out my sins, draw me away from the world. Melt my heart, humble my spirit, discipline my flesh. Strengthen my resolve for good, remove the enemy, restore to me the innocence of life. Lead me back into the embrace of grace. Guide me, so that I may not fall into spiritual death or the shame of dishonor; and if I should fall, raise me up. Correct my conduct, actions, and life. Help me in every adversity. Guide me in all my undertakings, teach me what is pleasing to God. Obtain for me a span of life and a place for repentance. |
In hora exitus mei clemens mihi adesse digneris, tremenda iudicis sententiam in mansuetudinem converte. Perduc me ad beate visionis praemium, Regnum gloriae et alme Trinitatis faciem fine felicitatis fine perfruendam placabilem mihi ostende, pia Virgo Maria, Amen |
In the hour of my departure, deign to be mercifully present to me; turn the dreadful sentence of the judge into gentleness. Lead me to the reward of the blessed vision, the Kingdom of glory, and the face of the nurturing Trinity, to be enjoyed in endless happiness. Show thyself gracious to me, O holy Virgin Mary. Amen |
Latin from the 1572 edition of the ''Precationum Piarum Enchridion'' by Simon Verepaeus. Tr. MWM.