Kyrie Eleison |
Kyrie Eleison |
Christe Eleison |
Christe Eleison |
Kyrie Eleison |
Kyrie Eleison |
Christe audi nos. |
Christ, hear us. |
Christe exaudi nos. |
Christ, graciously hear us. |
Pater de caelis Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
God the Father of Heaven, R. have mercy on us. |
Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, R. have mercy on us. |
Spiritus Sanctus Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
God, the Holy Spirit, R. have mercy on us. |
Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy Trinity, One God, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu Fili Dei vivi, R, Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, Son of the living God, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu potentissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most powerful, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu fortissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most strong, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu perfectissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most glorious, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu gloriosissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most perfect, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu mirifice, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most wonderful, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu iucundissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most pleasing, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu carissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most loving, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu clarior sole, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, brighter than the sun, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu pulchrior luna, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, more beautiful than the Moon, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu splendidior stellis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, more splendid than the stars, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu admirabilis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most admirable, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu delectabilis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most agreeable, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu honorabilis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most honorable, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu humillime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most humble, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu pauperrime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most poor, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu mitissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most gentle, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu patientissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most patient, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu obedientissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most obedient, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu castissime, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, most pure, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu amator castitatis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, lover of chastity, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu amator pacis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, lover of peace, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu amor noster, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, our love, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu speculum vitae, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, mirror of life, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu exemplar virtutum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, example of virtue, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu decus morum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, lover of peace, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu zelator animarum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, splendor of morals, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu refugium nostrum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, zealous of souls, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu pater pauperum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, father of the poor, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu consolatio afflictorum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, consolation of the afflicted, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu thesaurus fidelium, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, treasury of the faithful, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu gemma pretiosa, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, precious gem, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu armarium perfectionis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, receptacle of perfection, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu bone pastor ovium, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, good shepherd of the sheep, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu stella maris, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, star of the sea, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu lux vera, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, true light, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu sapientia aeterna, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, eternal wisdom, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu bonitas infinita, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, infinite goodness, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu gaudium Angelorum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, joy of angles, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu rex Patriarcharum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, king of patriarchs, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu inspirator Prophetarum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, inspiration of the Prophets, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu magister Apostolorum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, master of the Apostles, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu doctor Evangelistarum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, teacher of the Evangelists, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu fortitudo Martyrum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, strength of martyrs, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu lumen Confessorum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, light of Confessors, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu sponse Virginum, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, spouse of Virgins, R. have mercy on us. |
Iesu corona Sanctorum omnium, R. Miserere nobis. |
Jesus, crown of all the Saints, R. have mercy on us. |
Propitius esto, R. Parce nobis Iesu. |
Be merciful, R. spare us O Jesus. |
Propitius esto, R. Exaudi nos Iesu, |
Be merciful, R. graciously hear us, O Jesus. |
Ab omni malo, R. Libera nos Iesu. |
From all evil, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Ab ira tua, R. Libera nos Domine. |
From Thy wrath, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Ab insidiis diaboli, R. Libera nos Domine. |
From the snares of the devil, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
A peste, fame , et bello, R. Libera nos Domine. |
From pestilence, famine, and war, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
A transgressione mandatorum tuorum, R. Libera nos Domine. |
From the transgression of Thy commandments, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Ab incursu omnium malorum, R. Libera nos Domine. |
From the assault of all evil, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per incarnationem tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy incarnation, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per adventum tuum, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy advent, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per nativitatem tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy nativity, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per dolores tuos, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy sorrows, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per flagella tua, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy scourges, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per mortem tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy death, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per resurrectionem tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy resurrection, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per ascensionem tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy ascension, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per gaudia tua, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy joy, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per gloriam tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through Thy glory, R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per dulcissimam Virginem matrem tuam, R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through the most sweet Virgin, Thy Mother R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Per intercessionem omnium Sanctorum R. Libera nos Domine. |
Through the intercession of all the Saints R. deliver us, O Jesus. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. Parce nobis Iesu. |
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, R. spare us, O Jesus. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. Exaudi nos Iesu. |
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, R. graciously hear us, O Jesus. |
Agnus Dei , qui tollis peccata mundi, R, Miserere nobis Iesu. |
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, R. have mercy on us, O Jesus. |
Iesu Christe audi nos. R. Iesu Christe exaudi nos. |
Jesus hear us. R. Jesus, graciously hear us. |
Kyrie eleison. |
Kyrie Eleison |
Christe eleison. |
Christe Eleison |
Kyrie eleison. |
Kyrie Eleison |
Pater noster (in secreto). |
Our Father (silently) |
V. Et ne nos inducat,
R. Sed libera nos a malo. |
V. And lead us not into temptation,
R. but deliver us from evil. |
V. Benedic anima mea Domino.
R. Et omnia quae intra me sunt nomini sancto eius. |
V. Bless the Lord, o my soul,
R. And all this is within me, His holy Name. |
V. Sit nomen Domini benedictum,
R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. |
V. Blessed be the name of the Lord,
R. both now and forever more. |
V. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram. |
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord,
R. Who made heaven and the Earth. |
V. Domine exaudi orationem meam,
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. |
V. O Lord, hear my prayer,
R. And let my cry come unto Thee. |
Oremus: |
Let us pray: |
Omnipotentes sempiterne Deus, dirige actus nostros in beneplacito tuo, ut in nomine dilecti Filii tui mereamur bonis operibus abundare. |
Almighty and eternal God, direct our actions according to Thy gracious purpose, so that in the Name of Thy beloved Son, we may be worthy to abound in good works. |
Sancti nominis tui Domine timorem pariter et amorem fac nos habere perpetuum: quia numquam tua gubernatione destituis, quos in soliditate tua dilectionis instituis. |
Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy Holy Name, for Thou never failest to govern those who Thou dost solidly establish in Thy love. |
Deus virtutum, cuius est totum quod est optimi, insere pectoribus nostris amorem tui nominis, et praesta in nobis religionis augmentum: ut quae sunt bona nutrias, ac pietatis studio quae sunt nutrita custodias. |
O God of power and virtue, of whom is all that is best, instill in our breasts the love of Thy Name, and grant in us the increase of faith: that Thou mayest nourish what is good, and guard what is nourished and, by zeal for dutifulness, guard what has been nourished. |
Ecclesiam tuam, Domine, miseratio continuata mundet et muniat: et quia sine te non potest salva consistere, tuo semper munere gubernetur. |
May Thy Church, O Lord, be cleansed and strengthened by Thy continual mercy: and since it cannot stand safely without Thee, may it always be governed by Thy gift. |
Deus, qui gloriosissimum nomen Iesu Christi Filii tui Domini nostri fecisti fidelibus tuis summo suavitatis affectu amabile, et malignis spiritibus tremendum atque terribile: concede propitius; ut omnes qui hoc nomen Iesu devote venerantur in terris, sancte consolationis dulcedinem in praesenti percipiant, et in futuro gaudium exultationis et interminabilis beatitudinis obtineant in caelis. Per eundem Dominum nostrum. |
O God, who hast made the most glorious name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, beloved to Thy faithful with the greatest sweetness, and fearful and terrible to evil spirits: mercifully grant that all who devoutly venerate this name of Jesus on Earth may perceive the sweetness of holy consolation in the present, and in the future obtain the joy of exultation and endless happiness in heaven. Through the same, our Lord. |
V. Domine exaudi orationem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. |
V. Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee. |
V. Benedicamus Domino.
R. Deo gratias. |
V. Let us bless the Lord,
R. Thanks be to God. |
V. Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace.
R. Amen. |
V. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
R. Amen. |