O SACRATISSIMUM Cor Iesu, Tu beatae Margaritae Mariae desiderium regnandi super christianas familias pandisti1: ecce ut tibi placeamus adsumus hodie, ut plenum tuum super nostram familiam imperium proclamemus. Volumus deinceps tuam vitam vivere, volumus in sinu familiae nostrae florere virtutes, quibus Tu in terris pacem promisisti, volumus longe arcere a nobis spiritum mundi, quem Tu damnasti. Tu regnabis in mente nostra fidei nostrae simplicitate, in corde nostro tui solius amore, quo flagrabit erga te et cuius vivam servabimus flammam frequenti divinae Eucharistiae receptione. Dignare, Cor divinum, nobis praeesse in unum convenientibus, benedicere negotiis spiritualibus et temporalibus, arcere molestias, sanctificare gaudia, poenas levare. Si quando misere quis nostrum in tantum aerumnam inciderit ut te affligat, fac in memoriam illi redigas, Cor Iesu, te cum peccatore, quem paenitet, plenum esse bonitatis et misericordiae. Et quum hora separationis insonuerit et mors in familiae nostrae sinum luctum intulerit, nos omnes, sive abeuntes sive manentes, tuis aeternis decretis nos subiiciemus. Hoc solatio erit nobis, animo recogitare venturum esse diem, in quo familia nostra, in caelo coniuncta, tuam gloriam, tua beneficia in aeternum cantare poterit. Dignetur Cor immaculatum Mariae, dignetur gloriosus Patriarcha sanctus Ioseph tibi hanc consecrationem offerre, eiusque vivam in nobis singulis diebus vitae nostrae conservare memoriam. Vivat Cor Iesu, Regis et Patris nostri! Amen. |
O MOST SACRED Heart of Jesus, Thou didst reveal to the blessed Margaret Mary Thy desire to rule over Christian families; behold, in order to please Thee, we stand before Thee this day to proclaim Thy full sovereignty over our family. We desire henceforth to live Thy life, we desire that the virtues to which Thou hast promised peace on earth may flower in the bosom or our family; we desire to keep far from us the spirit of the world, which Thou hast condemned. Thou art King of our minds by the simplicity of our faith; Thou art King of our hearts by our love of Thee alone, with which our hearts are on fire and whose flame we shall keep alive by frequently receiving the Holy Eucharist. Be pleased, O Sacred Heart, to preside over our gathering together, to bless our spiritual and temporal affairs, to ward off all annoyance from us, and to hallow our joys and comfort our sorrows. If any of us has ever been so unhappy as to fall into the misery of displeasing Thee, grant that he may remember, O Heart of Jesus, that Thou art full of goodness and mercy toward the repentant sinner. And when the hour of separation strikes and death enters our family circle, whether we go or whether we stay, we shall all bow humbly before Thine eternal decrees. This shall be our consolation; to remember that the day will come when our entire family, once more united in heaven, shall be able to sing of Thy glory and Thy goodness forever. May the immaculate Heart of Mary and the glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph vouchsafe to offer Thee this our act of consecration and to keep the memory thereof alive in us all the days of our lives. Glory to the Heart of Jesus, our King and our Father! Amen. |