Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. |
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. |
O filii et filiae,
Rex caelestis, Rex gloriae
morte surrexit hodie.
R. Alleluia |
Ye sons and daughters of the Lord,
the King of glory, King adored,
this day Himself from death restored.
R. Alleluia |
Ex mane prima Sabbati
ad ostium monumenti
accesserunt discipuli.
R. Alleluia |
All in the early morning gray
went holy women on their way,
to see the tomb where Jesus lay.
R. Alleluia |
Et Maria Magdalene,
et Iacobi, et Salome
Venerunt corpus ungere
R. Alleluia |
Of spices pure a precious store
in their pure hands these women bore,
to anoint the sacred Body o'er.
R. Alleluia |
In albis sedens angelus
praedixit mulieribus:
In Galilaea est Dominus.
R. Alleluia |
The straightaway one in white they see,
who saith, "seek the Lord: but He
is risen and gone to Galilee."
R. Alleluia |
Et Ioannes apostolus
cucurrit Petro citius,
monumento venit prius.
R. Alleluia |
This told they Peter, told John;
who forthwith to the tomb are gone,
but Peter is by John outrun.
R. Alleluia |
Discipulis astantibus,
in medio stetit Christus,
dicens: Pax vobis omnibus.
R. Alleluia |
That self-same night, while out of fear
the doors where shut, their Lord most dear
to His Apostles did appear.
R. Alleluia |
Ut intellexit Didymus
quia surrexerat Iesus,
remansit fere dubius.
R. Alleluia |
But Thomas, when of this he heard,
was doubtful of his brethren's word;
wherefore again there comes the Lord.
R. Alleluia |
Vide Thoma, vide latus,
vide pedes, vide manus,
noli esse incredulus.
R. Alleluia |
"Thomas, behold my side," saith He;
"My hands, My feet, My body see,
and doubt not, but believe in Me."
R. Alleluia |
Quando Thomas vidit Christum,
pedes, manus, latus suum,
dixit: Tu es Deus meus.
R. Alleluia |
When Thomas saw that wounded side,
the truth no longer he denied;
"Thou art my Lord and God!" he cried.
R. Alleluia |
Beati qui non viderunt
et firmiter crediderunt;
vitam aeternam habebunt.
R. Alleluia |
Oh, blest are they who have not seen
their Lord and yet believe in Him!
eternal life awaitheth them.
R. Alleluia |
In hoc festo sanctissimo
sit laus et iubilatio:
benedicamus Domino.
R. Alleluia |
Now let us praise the Lord most high,
and strive His name to magnify
on this great day, through earth and sky:
R. Alleluia |
Ex quibus nos humillimas
devotas atque debitas
Deo dicamus gratias.
R. Alleluia |
Whose mercy ever runneth o'er;
Whom men and Angel hosts adore;
to Him be glory evermore.
R. Alleluia |