Kyrie, eleison. R. Christe, eleison. |
Lord, have mercy. R. Christ, have mercy. |
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, audi nos. R. Christe, exaudi nos. |
Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us. R. Christ, graciously hear us. |
Pater de caelis Deus, R. miserere nobis. |
God, the Father of heaven, R. have mercy on us. |
Fili, redemptor mundi Deus, R. miserere nobis. |
God, the Son, the Redeemer of the world, R. have mercy on us. |
Spiritus sancte Deus, R. miserere nobis. |
God, the Holy Spirit, R. have mercy on us. |
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, R. miserere nobis. |
Holy Trinity, one God, R. have mercy on us. |
Sancta Maria, R. ora pro nobis. |
Holy Mary, R. pray for us. |
Sancta Dei Genetrix, R. ora pro nobis. |
Holy Mother of God, R. pray for us. |
Sancta Virgo Virginum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Holy Virgin of virgins, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni de Padua, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony of Padua, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, Ordinis Minorum decus, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, glory of the Friars Minor, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, lilium virginitatis, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, lily of virginity, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, gemma paupertatis, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, gem of poverty, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, forma obedientiae, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, figure of obedience, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, speculum abstinentiae, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, mirror of abstinence, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, vas redolens puritatis, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, vessel of purity, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, stella splendens sanctitatis, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, splendid star of sanctity, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, ornamentum morum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, jewel of morals , R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, pulchritudo paradisi, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, beauty of paradise, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, arca Testamenti, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, ark of the Testament, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, armarium divinarum Scripturarum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, repository of Sacred Scripture, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, doctor veritatis, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, doctor of truth, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, praedicator gratiae, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, preacher of grace, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, exstirpator vitiorum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, uprooter of vice, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, seminator virtutum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, sower of virtues, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, malleus haereticorum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, hammer of heretics, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, pavor infidelium, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, fear of the unfaithful, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, consolator afflictorum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, consoler of the afflicted, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, conscientiarum scrutator, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, examiner of consciences, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, martyr desiderio, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, martyr by desire, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, terror daemonum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, terror of demons, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, horror inferni, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, dread of the devils, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, iugis patrator miraculorum, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, ever the wonder-worker, R. pray for us. |
Sancte Antoni, rerum deperditarum restitutor, R. ora pro nobis. |
Saint Anthony, restorer of lost things, R. pray for us. |
Propitius esto. R. Parce nobis, Domine. |
Be gracious. R. spare us, o Lord. |
Propitius esto. R. Exaudi nos, Domine. |
Be gracious. R. Hear us, o Lord. |
Ab omni malo, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
From every evil, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Ab omni peccato, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
From every sin, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Ab insidiis diaboli, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
From the snares of the devil, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
A peste, fame et bello, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
From pestilence, hunger and war, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
A morte perpetua, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
From everlasting death, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Per merita sancti Antonii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
Through the merits of St. Anthony, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Per ardentissimum amorem sancti Antonii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
Through St. Anthony's burning love of God, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Per propheticum spiritum sancti Antonii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
Through St. Anthony's prophetic spirit, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Per ignitam praedicationem sancti Antonii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
Through St. Anthony's preaching, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Per zelum martyrii sancti Antonii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
Through St. Anthony's zeal for martyrdom, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Per integerrimam observantiam obedientiae, paupertatis et castitatis sancti Antonii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
Through St. Anthony's observance of obedience, poverty, and chastity, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
In die Iudicii, R. Libera nos, Domine. |
In the day of judgment, R. deliver us, O Lord. |
Peccatores, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
We sinners, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut ad veram paenitentiam nos perducere digneris, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst lead us to true repentance, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut ignem divini amoris in nobis accendere digneris, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst enkindle in us the fire of divine love, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut patrocinio ac protectione sancti Antonii nos perfrui concedas, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst grant us St. Anthony's patronage and protection, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut meritis sancti Antonii veram contritionem, humilitatem, donum lacrimarum ac sanctam contemplationem tribuas, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst grant us through the merits of St. Anthony true contrition, humility, the gift of tears, and holy contemplation, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut intercessione sancti Antonii mundum, diabolum ac carnem nos perfecte relinquere facias, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That through St. Anthony's intercession Thou wouldst help us leave behind this world, the devil, and the the flesh, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut sancti Antonii suffragiis se commendantibus in omni necessitate adesse digneris, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst commend us to the prayers of St. Anthony in all our necessities, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Ut nos exaudire digneris, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst deign to hear us, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Fili Dei, R. te rogamus, audi nos. |
Son of God, R. we ask Thee, hear us. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. parce nobis, Domine. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world. R. Spare us, O Lord. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. exaudi nos, Domine. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world. R. Graciously hear us, O Lord. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. miserere nobis, Domine. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world. R. Have mercy on us. |
Christe, audi nos. R. Christe, exaudi nos. |
Christ, hear us. R. Christ, graciously hear us. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Christe, eleison. |
Lord, have mercy. R. Christ, have mercy. |
Kyrie, eleison. |
Lord, have mercy. |
Pater noster etc.
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem
R. Sed libera nos a malo. |
Our Father etc.
V. And lead us not into temptation,
R. But deliver us from evil. |
V. Domine exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. |
V. Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come before Thee. |
Let us pray:
Ecclesiam tuam, Deus, beati Antonii Confessoris tui commemoratio votiva laetificet, ut spiritualibus semper muniatur auxiliis, et gaudiis perfrui mereatur aeternis. |
O God, may the pious commemoration of Saint Anthony, Thy Confessor, give joy to the Church, that she may be always strengthened with Thy spiritual assistance and merit to attain everlasting joy. |
Subveniat plebi tuae, quaesumus, Domine, praeclari Confessoris tui beati Antonii devota et iugis deprecatio, quae in praesenti nos tua gratia dignos efficiat, et in futuro gaudia donet aeterna. |
We beseech Thee, Lord, that the devoted and continual prayers of Thy illustrious Confessor, blessed Anthony, may assist Thy people; that by Thy grace his prayers may make us worthy now, and bring us to eternal happiness in the future. |
O advocate singularissime, sancte Antoni! quando nunc ita dulciter complecteris suavissimum Iesulum, recommendes eidem languentem hanc animam pauperculam, et impetra, ut ipsam ab omni peccatorum sorde immaculatam et mundam conservare valeam, quatenus amore et amplexu amantissimi digna reddi mereatur. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. |
O most special advocate, St. Anthony, as thou dost now embrace the Infant Jesus so sweetly, and commend the poor languid soul to Him, grant that I may keep my soul clean an unspotted from every contagion of sin, that it may be worthy to be restored to His love and most loving embrace. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. |