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S. Franciscus Assisiensis, Confessor St. Francis of Assisi, Confessor |
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St. Francis of Assisi (1181 - 1226) was born in Assisi in Umbria, the son of a merchant. He started out in life as a pleasure seeking youth until a fortuitous set of events caused him to change his mind and devote his life to God. His life of devotion and simplicity has made him one of the best known and best loved of the saints. In 1209 he founded the order of Friars Minor which professed vows of poverty both for the individual and for the order itself. His rule for the Friars Minor was approved by Innocent III. Many miraculous events are recorded in the life of St. Francis. One of these, the stigmata, St. Francis received on Mt Alvernia on September 14, 1224 and so he is often depicted with the stigmata. In addition to the stigmata, he is usually depicted wearing the habit of his order, dressed in gray or brown. Sometimes there is a winged crucifix before him, or he is preaching to the birds, or propping up a Church, or kneeling before a crib. His feast day is on October 4. (see Catholic Encyclopedia)
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Preces et Devotiones ad S. Franciscum (Prayers and devotions to St. Francis)
Preces a S. Francisco (Prayers by St. Francis)