Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Christe, eleison. R. Christe, eleison. |
Christe, eleison. R. Christe, eleison. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
O beata Trinitas, R. Audi nos. |
O Blessed Trinity, R. Hear us. |
O adoranda Unitas, R. Exaudi nos. |
O most adorable Unity, R. Graciously hear us. |
Pater de caelis Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
God, the Father of heaven, R. Have mercy on us. |
Fili Redemptor mundi R. Deus, Miserere nobis. |
God, the Son, the Redeemer of the world, R. Have mercy on us. |
Spiritus sancte Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
God, the Holy Spirit, R. Have mercy on us. |
Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy Trinity, one God, R. Have mercy on us. |
Vera et una Trinitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
True and singular Trinity, R. Have mercy on us. |
Una et summa Deitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
One and supreme Deity, R. Have mercy on us. |
Sancta et indivisa Unitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy and undivided Unity, R. Have mercy on us. |
Unitas in substantia, et Trinitas in personis, R. Miserere nobis |
Unity in substance, and Trinity in persons. R. Have mercy on us. |
Una et par potentia, R. Miserere nobis. |
One and equal power. R. Have mercy on us. |
Una et coaeterna Maiestas, R. Miserere nobis. |
One and coeternal Majesty. R. Have mercy on us. |
Una et aequalis gloria, R. Miserere nobis. |
One and equal glory. R. Have mercy on us. |
Una et divina Trinitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
One and divine Trinity. R. Have mercy on us. |
Pater Creator, R. Miserere nobis. |
Father, the Creator. R. Have mercy on us. |
Fili Redemptor, R. Miserere nobis. |
Son, the Redeemer Creator. R. Have mercy on us. |
Spiritus Sancte Paraclite, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. R. Have mercy on us. |
Deus unus in substantia, et trinus in personis, R. Miserere nobis. |
God, one in substance and three persons, R. Have mercy on us. |
Pater ingenite, R. Miserere nobis. |
Father, unbegotten, R. Have mercy on us. |
Fili unigenite, R. Miserere nobis. |
Son, the only-begotten, R. Have mercy on us. |
Spiritus Sancte ex utroque procedens, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy Spirit, proceeding from both, R. Have mercy on us. |
Una sancta, creatrix et gubernatrix omnium Trinitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
One Holy Trinity, creator and ruler of all, R. Have mercy on us. |
Immensa aeterni Patris potentia, R. Miserere nobis. |
Boundless power of the eternal Father, R. Have mercy on us. |
Inscrutabilis Filii Dei sapientia, R. Miserere nobis. |
Inscrutable wisdom of the Son of God, R. Have mercy on us. |
Efficacissima Spiritus Sancti bonitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
The efficacious goodness of the Holy Spirit, R. Have mercy on us. |
Una et simplex Divinitas, R. Miserere nobis. |
One and simple Divinity R. Have mercy on us. |
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of power and might, R. Have mercy on us. |
Sanctus Deus, sanctus fortis, sanctus et immortalis, R. Miserere nobis. |
Holy God, Holy Strong One, Holy Immortal One, R. Have mercy on us. |
In quo vivimus, movemur et sumus, R. Miserere nobis. |
In Whom we live, are moved, and have our being, R. Have mercy on us. |
Ex quo, in quo, et per quem sunt omnia, R. Miserere nobis. |
For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things, R. Have mercy on us. |
Rex saeculorum, immortalis et invisibilis, R. Miserere nobis. |
King of all ages, immortal and invisible, R. Have mercy on us. |
Deus Abraham, Deus Isaac, Deus Iacob, R. Miserere nobis. |
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, R. Have mercy on us. |
Qui eras, qui es, et qui venturus es, Pater, Verbum et Spiritus Sanctus, unus Deus, R. Miserere nobis. |
Who was, is, and is to come, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, one God, R. Have mercy on us. |
Propitius esto, R. Parce nobis sanctissima Trinitas. |
Be merciful, R. Spare us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Propitius esto, R. Exaudi nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
Be merciful, R. Graciously hear us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni malo, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all evil, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni peccato, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all sin, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni superbia et pertinacia, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all pride and stubbornness, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni avaritia et cupiditate, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all avarice and covetousness, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
A gula et amore mundi, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From gluttony and love of the world, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni invidia et odio, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all jealousy and hatred, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab ira et omni mala voluntate, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From anger and all ill-will, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni luxuria et immunditia, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all lust and impurity, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Ab omni acedia et pusillanimitate, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From all sloth and faint-heartedness, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
A maledictione perpetua, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
From eternal damnation, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per fortitudinem omnipotentiae tuae, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the strength of Thy omnipotence, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per Maiestatem gloriae tuae, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the majesty of Thy glory, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per abundantiam bonitatis tuae, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the abundance of Thy goodness, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per magnitudinem caritatis tuae, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the greatness of Thy love, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per multitudinem miserationum tuarum, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the multitude of Thy mercies, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per abyssum iudiciorum tuorum, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the depths of Thy judgments, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per altitudinem sapientiae et scientiae tuae, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
By the depths of Thy wisdom and knowledge, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Per divitias beatitudinis tuae, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
Through the riches of Thy blessedness, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
In die iudicii, R. Libera nos sanctissima Trinitas. |
On the day of judgment, R. Deliver us, O Most Holy Trinity. |
Peccatores, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
We sinners, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut Te Dominum Deum nostrum adoremus et Tibi soli serviamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we may adore Thee, O Lord our God, and serve Thee alone, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut nomen sanctum tuum in vanum non assumamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we may not take Thy holy name in vain, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut Ecclesiae dies festos observemus et sanctificemus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we may observe and sanctify the holy feast days of the Church, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut parentes et superiores nostros oboediendo et subveniendo honoremus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we honor our parents and superiors with obedience and assistance, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut neque facto, neque consilio ullum occidamus vel laedamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we may neither kill nor harm anyone by deed or design, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut nec mente, nec corpore turpia unquam committamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That neither in mind nor body may we ever commit shameful deeds, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut furtum non faciamus, nec quemquam contra iustitiam gravemus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we may never commit theft, nor oppress anyone contrary to justice, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut contra proximum falsum testimonium vel mendacium nunquam loquamur, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
The we may never speak false testimony or lies against our neighbor, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut proximi bona nunquam concupiscamus aut invideamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That we may never covet or envy the goods of our neighbor, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut ex toto corde, et ex tota anima, et ex tota fortitudine Te diligamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That with all our heart, and all our soul and all our strength we may love Thee, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut proximum propter Te, sicut nos ipsos sincere diligamus, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That on account of Thee, we may love our neighbor as ourselves, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut ad conspectum gloriae tuae nos perducere digneris, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou wouldst see fit to lead us to the sight of Thy glory, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Deus genitor, Deus genite, Deus ex utroque procedens, R. Te rogamus audi nos. |
God the Father, God the Begotten, God proceeding from both, R. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. Redde nobis Patrem propitium. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, R. Restore to us a merciful Father. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. Propitius esto nobis peccatoribus. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, R. Be merciful to us sinners. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, R. Dona nobis Spiritum Sanctum. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, R. Grant us the Holy Spirit. |
O beata Trinitas! R. Audi nos. |
O Blessed Trinity, R. Hear us. |
O adoranda Unitas! R. Exaudi nos. |
O most adorable Unity, R. Graciously hear us. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Christe, eleison. R. Christe, eleison. |
Christe, eleison. R. Christe, eleison. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Kyrie, eleison. R. Kyrie, eleison. |
Pater noster etc.
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
R. Sed libera nos a malo. |
Our Father (in silence until)
And lead us not into temptation,
R. but deliver us from evil. |
V. Benedictus es Domine Deus Patrum nostrorum.
R. Et laudabilis, et gloriosus in saecula. |
V. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of our Fathers,
R. And praiseworthy, and glorious for ever. |
V. Benedictus es, Domine, in firmamento caeli.
R. Et laudabilis, et gloriosus, et superexaltatus in saecula. |
V. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of heaven,
R. And praiseworthy, and glorious forever. |
V. Benedicant Te omnes angeli et sancti tui. R. Et laudent Te, et glorificent in saecula.
V. Let all the angles and saint bless Thee,
R. And may they praise Thee and glorify Thee forever. |
V. Benedicant Te caeli, mare, terra et omnia quae in eis sunt. R. Et laudent Te, et glorificent in saecula.
V. Let the heavens, the sea, the land, and all that are in them bless Thee.
R. And may they praise Thee and glorify Thee forever. |
V. Benedicamus Patrem et Filium cum Sancto Spiritu.
R. Laudemus et superexaltemus Eum in saecula. |
V. Let us bless the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
R. Let us praise and exalt Him forever. |
V. Domine exaudi Orationem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad Te veniat. |
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee. |
Omnipotens, sempiterne Deus! qui dedisti famulis tuis in confessione verae fidei aeternae Trinitatis gloriam agnoscere, et in potentia Maiestatis adorare Unitatem, quaesumus, ut eiusdem fidei firmitate, ab omnibus semper muniamur ad versis. Per Dominum nostrum etc. |
Let us pray:
Almighty, ever-living God, who has permitted us Thy servants, in our profession of the true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of that majesty to adore the Unity, grant, that by steadfastness in this same faith, we may be ever guarded against all adversity: through Christ our Lord. |