Contents Domine Iesu Christe
Lord Jesus Christ
DOMINE Iesu Christe, qui dixisti Apostolis tuis: "Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis, non quomodo mundus dat ego do vobis", ne respicias peccata nostra sed merita tua, et concede omnibus famulis tuis, ut quos creavit Pater omnipotens atque gubernat, quosque Tu pretioso Sanguine redemisti et ad vitam aeternam destinasti, omnes alterutrum toto corde propter te diligentes, cor unum fiant et perenni tua pace laetentur. LORD Jesus Christ, who didst say unto Thine Apostles: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth but as I giveth unto you," regard not our sins but Thy merits, and grant unto all Thy servants, they whom the Almighty Father hath created and governeth and whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy Precious Blood and hast ordained unto everlasting life, that they may love one another with all their hearts for Thy sake and may be made one in spirit and rejoice in Thy perpetual peace.
Domine Iesu Christe, de quo cecinit Propheta: "Et adorabunt eum omnes reges terrae, omnes gentes servient ei", regnum tuum ad genus humanum universum extende. Super omnes homines fidei tuae lumen immitte, a passionum illecebris vinculisque eos libera, atque ad caelestia dirige: et concede propitius, ut civitates nationesque per immaculatam Sponsam tuam Ecclesiam sanctam coniunctae, beatissima Virgine Maria Regina Pacis intercedente, tibi humillime famulentur; et ex omnibus linguis et populis unus existat chorus, qui, die ac nocte, te laudet, te benedicat, te exaltet, o Rex gentium et dominator earum, o Princeps pacis, o saeculorum Rex immortalis. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, concerning whom the Prophet hath said: "And all kings of the earth shall adore Him, all nations shall serve Him," extend Thy reign over the whole human race. Send upon all men the light of faith, deliver them from all the snares and bonds of passion and direct them to heavenly things; and graciously grant, that the states and nations may be united by the means of Thine immaculate Bride, Holy Church, and, through the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may serve Thee in all humility; and that all tongues and peoples may form one great choir to praise Thee both day and night, to bless Thee, to exalt Thee, O King and Ruler of the nations, O Prince of Peace, immortal King of endless ages. Amen.

From the Raccolta #703, (Apostolic Brief, Aug. 25, 1923; S. P. Ap., Feb. 16 1932)

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