Desiderium templi Domini |
Desire for the Lord's Temple |
Non habemus hic manentem civitatem, sed futuram inquirimus. (Hebr 13, 14) |
We have here not a lasting city, but we seek the one that is to come. (Hebr 13, 14) |
2 QUAM dilecta tabernacula tua, Domine virtutum! * 3 Concupiscit et deficit anima mea in atria Domini. |
2 HOW lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! * 3 My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. |
Cor meum et caro mea * exultaverunt in Deum vivum. |
My heart and my flesh * have rejoiced in the living God. |
4 Etenim passer invenit sibi domum * et turtur nidum sibi ubi ponat pullos suos. |
4 For the sparrow hath found herself a house, * and the turtle-dove a nest for herself where she may lay her young ones. |
Altaria tua, Domine virtutum, * Rex meus et Deus meus. |
Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, * my King and my God. |
5 Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine: * in saecula saeculorum laudabunt te. |
5 Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house, O Lord: * they shall praise Thee for ever and ever. |
6 Beatus vir cuius est auxilium abs te, * ascensiones in corde suo disposuit, 7 in valle lacrimarum in loco, quem posuit. |
6 Blessed is the man whose help is from Thee: * he hath set his heart to ascend in steps, 7 in the vale of tears, in the place which he hath set. |
8 Etenim benedictionem dabit legislator, ibunt de virtute in virtutem, * videbitur Deus deorum in Sion. |
8 For the lawgiver shall give a blessing, they shall go from virtue to virtue: * the God of gods shall be seen in Sion. |
9 Domine Deus virtutum, exaudi orationem meam; * auribus percipe Deus Iacob. |
9 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: * give ear, O God of Jacob. |
10 Protector noster aspice, Deus, * et respice in faciem Christi tui. |
10 Behold, O God our protector: * and look upon the face of Thy Christ. |
11 Quia melior est dies una in atriis tuis * super milia. |
11 For better is one day in Thy courts * than thousands outside. |
Elegi abiectus esse in domo Dei mei, * magis quam habitare in tabernaculis peccatorum. |
I have chosen to be at the threshold of the house of my God, * rather than to dwell in the tents of sinners. |
12 Quia misericordiam et veritatem diligit Deus: * gratiam et gloriam dabit Dominus. |
12 For God loveth mercy and truth, * grace and glory the Lord will grant. |
13 Non privabit bonis eos, qui ambulant in innocentia: * Domine virtutum, * beatus homo qui sperat in te. |
13 He will not deprive them of good things, those who walk in innocence. * O Lord of hosts, blessed is the one that trusteth in Thee. |